select * from v$version;
col "SESSAO" for a50 set lines 190 SELECT DECODE(l.request, 0, 'Bloqueando: ', 'Aguardando: ') || 'Inst-> ' || s.inst_id || ' Sid:serial-> ' || l.sid || ',' || s.serial# "SESSAO", substr(s.username, 1, 15) Username, l.lmode, l.request, l.type, sql_hash_value, ctime "TEMPO" FROM GV$LOCK L, GV$SESSION S WHERE (l.id1, l.id2, l.type) IN (SELECT l2.id1, l2.id2, l2.type FROM GV$LOCK l2 WHERE l2.request > 0) AND s.sid = l.sid ORDER BY l.id1, l.request, l.ctime DESC;
col sessao for a25 col event for a50 col username for a25 col osuser for a25 set lines 200 with a as ( select level lev, CONNECT_BY_ROOT COL1 BLOCKER, col1 lev1 from ((select inst_id||','||sid col1,event,sql_id,program,blocking_instance ||','||blocking_session col2,seconds_in_wait from gv$session)) connect by nocycle prior col2=col1 start with col2 in (select blocking_instance ||','||blocking_session from gv$session where blocking_session is not null) ) , b as ( select distinct lev1 from a where (a.lev,a.blocker) in (select max(lev),blocker from a group by blocker) ) select lpad(' ',3*(level-1)) || col1 sessao,username, osuser, event,sql_id,seconds_in_wait from ((select inst_id||','||sid col1,username, osuser, event,sql_id,program,blocking_instance ||','||blocking_session col2,seconds_in_wait from gv$session)) connect by nocycle prior col1=col2 start with col1 in (select lev1 from b) ;
SELECT p2raw, p2/power(16,8) blocking_sid, p1 mutex_id, sid blocked_sid FROM v$session WHERE event LIKE 'cursor:%' AND state='WAITING'
select name, detected_usages from dba_feature_usage_statistics where detected_usages > 0;
set linesize 190 set pagesize 100 COLUMN "Item" FORMAT A25 COLUMN "Space Used (GB)" FORMAT 999.99 COLUMN "Schema" FORMAT A25 COLUMN "Move Procedure" FORMAT A40 SELECT occupant_name "ITEM", OCCUPANT_DESC "DESCRICAO", space_usage_kbytes / 1048576 "SPACE USED (GB)", schema_name "SCHEMA" FROM v$sysaux_occupants ORDER BY 1;
select * from ( select 'grant ' || privilege || decode(privilege,'READ',' on directory "','WRITE',' on directory "',' on "' || owner || '"."') || table_name || '" to "' || grantee || decode(grantable, 'YES', '" with grant option','"') || ';' from dba_tab_privs where grantee in ('ANDERSON','GRAF') union all select 'grant '||privilege||' to "'||grantee||'"'||decode(admin_option,'YES',' with admin option')||';' from dba_sys_privs where grantee in ('ANDERSON','GRAF') union all select 'grant "'||granted_role||'" to "'||grantee||'"'||decode(admin_option,'YES',' with admin option')||';' from dba_role_privs where grantee in ('ANDERSON','GRAF'));
set lines 190 col Component for a70 select comp_name "COMPONENT", version, status from dba_registry;
set serveroutput on declare dbf number; tmpdbf number; lgf number; ctl number; soma number; begin select trunc(sum(bytes/1024/1024),2) into dbf from v$datafile; select trunc(sum(bytes/1024/1024),2) into tmpdbf from v$tempfile; select trunc(sum(bytes/1024/1024),2) into lgf from v$log l, v$logfile lf where =; select trunc(sum(block_size*file_size_blks/1024/1024),2) into ctl from v$controlfile; select trunc((dbf+tmpdbf+lgf+ctl)/1024,2) into soma from dual; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(chr(10)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Datafiles: '|| dbf ||' MB'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(chr(0)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Tempfiles: '|| tmpdbf ||' MB'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(chr(0)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Logfiles: '|| lgf ||' MB'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(chr(0)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Controlfiles: '|| ctl ||' MB'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(chr(0)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total Tamanho: '|| soma ||' GB'); end; /
select /*+ rule */ table_name, decode(partitioned, '/', 'NO', partitioned) partitioned, num_rows, data_mb, indx_mb, lob_mb, total_mb, OWNER from (select data.table_name, DATA.OWNER, partitioning_type || decode(subpartitioning_type, 'none', null, '/' || subpartitioning_type) partitioned, num_rows, nvl(data_mb, 0) data_mb, nvl(indx_mb, 0) indx_mb, nvl(lob_mb, 0) lob_mb, nvl(data_mb, 0) + nvl(indx_mb, 0) + nvl(lob_mb, 0) total_mb from (select table_name, OWNER, nvl(min(num_rows), 0) num_rows, round(sum(data_mb), 2) data_mb from (select table_name, num_rows, data_mb, OWNER from (select a.table_name, A.OWNER, a.num_rows, b.bytes / 1024 / 1024 as data_mb from DBA_tables a, DBA_segments b where a.table_name = b.segment_name and a.owner = b.owner)) group by table_name, OWNER) data, (select a.table_name, round(sum(b.bytes / 1024 / 1024), 2) as indx_mb from DBA_indexes a, DBA_segments b where a.index_name = b.segment_name and a.owner = b.owner group by a.table_name) indx, (select a.table_name, round(sum(b.bytes / 1024 / 1024), 2) as lob_mb from DBA_lobs a, DBA_segments b where a.segment_name = b.segment_name and a.owner = b.owner group by a.table_name) lob, user_part_tables part where data.table_name = indx.table_name(+) and data.table_name = lob.table_name(+) and data.table_name = part.table_name(+)) -- WHERE OWNER = 'TESTE' order by total_mb DESC, table_name
select nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(CASE_DATA),0)+1 + nvl(vsize(CASE_NUMBER ),0)+1 + nvl(vsize(CASE_DATA_NAME),0)+1 + nvl(vsize(LASTMOD_TIME_T),0)+1 "Total bytes per row" from mytab where case = 123;
select TIPO, round(sum(nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(XML_RETORNO), 0) + 1) / 1024 / 1024, 2) "TAMANHO_LOB" from MINHA_TABELA group by TIPO order by 2 desc
SELECT created, status, sql_attr.attr_val outline_hints FROM dba_sql_profiles sql_profiles, sys.SQLPROF$ATTR sql_attr WHERE sql_profiles.signature = sql_attr.signature AND = 'PROFILE_ANDERSON' ORDER BY sql_attr.attr# ASC;
SELECT extractValue(value(h), '.') AS hint FROM sys.sqlobj$data od, sys.sqlobj$ so, table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype(od.comp_data), '/outline_data/hint'))) h WHERE = 'PROFILE_NAME' AND so.signature = od.signature AND so.category = od.category AND so.obj_type = od.obj_type AND so.plan_id = od.plan_id;
Select a.sid, serial#, a.osuser, a.machine, c.SQL_FULLTEXT, a.terminal, b.SEGTYPE, a.program, a.USERNAME, a.status, round((b.blocks * 8192) / 1024 / 1024, 2) "Tam TEMP", c.last_load_time from v$sort_usage b, v$session a, V$SQLAREA c where a.saddr = b.SESSION_ADDR and c.hash_value = b.SQLHASH order by c.last_load_time
set lines 200 define DAYS_AGO=40 with pivot1 as ( select min(snap_id) AS begin_snap_id from dba_hist_snapshot where trunc( begin_interval_time, 'DD') >= trunc(sysdate - &DAYS_AGO, 'DD') ), pivot2 as ( SELECT trunc(ash.sample_time,'MI') sample_time, ash.SESSION_ID, ash.SESSION_SERIAL#, ash.SQL_ID, ash.sql_exec_id, U.temporary_tablespace, max(temp_space_allocated)/(1024*1024) max_temp_per_sql_mb from dba_hist_active_sess_history ash INNER JOIN dba_users U ON ash.user_id = U.user_id where ash.session_type = 'FOREGROUND' and ash.temp_space_allocated > 0 -- and U.temporary_tablespace = 'TEMP3' and snap_id >= (select begin_snap_id from pivot1) group by trunc(ash.sample_time,'MI') , ash.SESSION_ID, ash.SESSION_SERIAL#, ash.SQL_ID, ash.sql_exec_id, U.temporary_tablespace ), pivot3 as ( select temporary_tablespace, sample_time, sum(max_temp_per_sql_mb) total_temp_permin_mb from pivot2 group by temporary_tablespace, sample_time order by temporary_tablespace, sample_time ), tbspc as ( select (select name from v$tablespace t where t.ts# = tablespace_id) tablespace_name, trunc(to_date(rtime,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')) rtime, min(tablespace_maxsize * 8192 / 1024 / 1024) tablespace_minsize, max(tablespace_maxsize * 8192 / 1024 / 1024) tablespace_maxsize from dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage group by tablespace_id, trunc(to_date(rtime,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')) ) select temporary_tablespace, tbspc.tablespace_minsize tablespace_min_size, tbspc.tablespace_maxsize temp_max_size_mb, trunc(sample_time, 'DD') as day, max (total_temp_permin_mb) max_temp_per_day_mb from pivot3 inner join tbspc ON tbspc.tablespace_name = pivot3.temporary_tablespace and tbspc.rtime = trunc(sample_time, 'DD') group by temporary_tablespace, tbspc.tablespace_minsize, tbspc.tablespace_maxsize , trunc(sample_time, 'DD') --having trunc(sample_time, 'DD') > to_date('01-11-13', 'DD-MM-YY') order by temporary_tablespace, day;
column sum_max_mb format 999,999,999; column temporary_tablespace format A20 WITH pivot1 AS ( SELECT trunc(ash.sample_time,'MI') sample_time, ash.SESSION_ID, ash.SESSION_SERIAL#, ash.SQL_ID, ash.sql_exec_id, U.temporary_tablespace, max(temp_space_allocated)/(1024*1024) max_temp_mb FROM dba_hist_active_sess_history ash, dba_users U WHERE ash.user_id = U.user_id and ash.session_type = 'FOREGROUND' and ash.temp_space_allocated > 0 GROUP BY trunc(ash.sample_time,'MI'), ash.SESSION_ID, ash.SESSION_SERIAL#, ash.SQL_ID, ash.sql_exec_id, U.temporary_tablespace ) SELECT temporary_tablespace, to_char(sample_time,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') sample_time, sum(max_temp_mb) sum_max_mb from pivot1 GROUP BY sample_time, temporary_tablespace ORDER BY temporary_tablespace, sample_time;
set lines 200 set pages 800 COLUMN module format A20 COLUMN sql_opname format A20 COLUMN etime_secs FORMAT 999,999.9 COLUMN etime_mins FORMAT 999,999.9 COLUMN user_id FORMAT 999999 COLUMN sid FORMAT 99999 COLUMN serial# FORMAT 99999 COLUMN username FORMAT A25 COLUMN inst_id FORMAT 99 COLUMN sql_opname FORMAT A10 COLUMN sql_id FORMAT A13 COLUMN sql_exec_id FORMAT 9999999999 COLUMN max_temp_mb FORMAT 999,999,999 COLUMN sql_start_time FORMAT A25 COLUMN sql_end_time FORMAT A25 SELECT ASH.instance_number inst_id, ASH.user_id, ASH.session_id sid, ASH.session_serial# serial#, ASH.sql_id, --ASH.sql_exec_id, ASH.sql_opname, ASH.module, MIN(sample_time) sql_start_time, MAX(sample_time) sql_end_time, ((CAST(MAX(sample_time) AS DATE)) - (CAST(MIN(sample_time) AS DATE))) * (3600*24) etime_secs , ((CAST(MAX(sample_time) AS DATE)) - (CAST(MIN(sample_time) AS DATE))) * (60*24) etime_mins , MAX(temp_space_allocated)/(1024*1024) max_temp_mb FROM dba_hist_active_sess_history ASH WHERE ASH.session_type = 'FOREGROUND' AND ASH.sql_id IS NOT NULL AND sample_time BETWEEN to_timestamp('20-12-2017 05:00', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') AND to_timestamp('20-12-2017 06:00', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI') --and ASH.sql_id = 'd1s02myktu19h' GROUP BY ASH.instance_number, ASH.user_id, ASH.session_id, ASH.session_serial#, ASH.sql_id, ASH.sql_opname, ASH.sql_exec_id, ASH.module HAVING MAX(temp_space_allocated) > 0 order by MAX_TEMP_MB;
set lines 200 col name for a40 col username for a10 col value for a40 select a.sid, c.username,, a.value from v$ses_optimizer_env a join v$sys_optimizer_env b on = join v$session c on a.sid = c.sid where a.value <> b.value and c.username is not null and c.username not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'DBSNMP') order by a.sid,;
select tablespace_name, used_space*8192/1024/1024, tablespace_size*8192/1024/1024, used_percent from dba_tablespace_usage_metrics
select * from (select (select name from v$tablespace t where t.ts# = tablespace_id) tablespace_name, rtime, tablespace_size*8192/1024/1024 tablespace_size, tablespace_maxsize*8192/1024/1024 tablespace_maxsize, tablespace_usedsize*8192/1024/1024 tablespace_usedsize from dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage) where tablespace_name='TABLESPACE_NAME' order by rtime desc
col quota format a10 select username , tablespace_name , decode(max_bytes, -1, 'unlimited' , ceil(max_bytes / 1024 / 1024) || 'M' ) "QUOTA" from dba_ts_quotas where tablespace_name not in ('TEMP') /
set lines 200 select a.*, round(((a.TOTAL_MB - a.FREE_MB) / decode(TOTAL_MB,0,1,TOTAL_MB)) * 100, 2) as "PERC_USED" from (select GROUP_NUMBER, NAME, TYPE, round((TOTAL_MB - REQUIRED_MIRROR_FREE_MB) / decode(TYPE, 'EXTERN', 1, 'NORMAL', 2, 'HIGH', 3, 1), 2) as "TOTAL_MB", ((FREE_MB - REQUIRED_MIRROR_FREE_MB) / decode(TYPE, 'EXTERN', 1, 'NORMAL', 2, 'HIGH', 3, 1)) as "FREE_MB" from sys.v_$asm_diskgroup) a /
dg=DISKGROUP_NAME; for dir in $(asmcmd ls $dg); do echo $dg/$dir; asmcmd du $dg/$dir; done
set lines 190 col name for a60 col value for a15 col description for a70 SELECT NAME, VALUE, DECODE(isdefault, 'TRUE', 'Y', 'N') AS "Default", DECODE(isem, 'TRUE', 'Y', 'N') AS sesmod, DECODE(isym, 'IMMEDIATE', 'I', 'DEFERRED', 'D', 'FALSE', 'N') AS sysmod, DECODE(imod, 'MODIFIED', 'U', 'SYS_MODIFIED', 'S', 'N') AS modified, DECODE(iadj, 'TRUE', 'Y', 'N') AS adjusted, description FROM ( --GV$SYSTEM_PARAMETER SELECT x.inst_id AS INSTANCE, x.indx + 1, ksppinm AS NAME, ksppity, ksppstvl AS VALUE, ksppstdf AS isdefault, DECODE(BITAND(ksppiflg / 256, 1), 1, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') AS isem, DECODE(BITAND(ksppiflg / 65536, 3), 1, 'IMMEDIATE', 2, 'DEFERRED', 'FALSE') AS isym, DECODE(BITAND(ksppstvf, 7), 1, 'MODIFIED', 'FALSE') AS imod, DECODE(BITAND(ksppstvf, 2), 2, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') AS iadj, ksppdesc AS description FROM x$ksppi x, x$ksppsv y WHERE x.indx = y.indx AND SUBSTR(ksppinm, 1, 1) = '_' AND x.inst_id = USERENV('Instance')) ORDER BY NAME;
col OBJECT_NAME for a60 select owner, object_name, object_type, status from dba_objects where status <> 'VALID' order by 1, 2; --Only 11G (dba_invalid_objects) select owner, object_name, object_type, status from dba_invalid_objects where status <> 'VALID' order by 1, 2
select owner, decode(object_type, null, '===========================>', object_type) as "OBJECT_TYPE", count(object_type) as "TOTAL", decode(grouping(owner), 0, null, 1, 'Total de objectos invalidos.') as " " from dba_objects where status <> 'VALID' group by rollup(owner, object_type) order by owner, object_type desc;
set linesize 190 col "Buffer Hit Ratio" format a16; col "Dictionary Hit Ratio" format a20; col "Library Hit Ratio" format a17; col "RedoLog Wait" format a12; col "PGA Hit Ratio" format a13; with a as ( select to_char(round(((1-(sum(decode(name,'physical reads',value,0))/(sum(decode(name,'db block gets',value,0))+(sum(decode(name,'consistent gets',value,0))))))*100),4),'99.99') || '%' as "Buffer Hit Ratio" from v$sysstat ), b as ( select to_char(round(((1-(sum(getmisses)/sum(gets)))*100),4),'999.99') || '%' as "Dictionary Hit Ratio" from v$rowcache ), c as ( select to_char(round(100-((((sum(reloads)/sum(pins))))),4),'999.99') || '%' as "Library Hit Ratio" from v$librarycache ), d as ( select to_char(round((100-(100*sum(decode(name,'redo log space requests',value,0))/sum(decode(name,'redo entries',value,0)))),4),'999.999') || '%' as "RedoLog Wait" from sys.v_$sysstat ), e as ( select to_char(round(value,4),'999.99') ||'%' "PGA Hit Ratio" from sys.v_$pgastat where name = 'cache hit percentage' ) select * from a,b,c,d,e;
select 'session_cached_cursors' parameter, lpad(value, 5) value, decode(value, 0, ' n/a', to_char(100 * used / value, '990') || '%') usage from ( select max(s.value) used from v$statname n, v$sesstat s where = 'session cursor cache count' and s.statistic# = n.statistic# ), ( select value from v$parameter where name = 'session_cached_cursors' ) union all select 'open_cursors', lpad(value, 5), to_char(100 * used / value, '990') || '%' from ( select max(sum(s.value)) used from v$statname n, v$sesstat s where in ('opened cursors current', 'session cursor cache count') and s.statistic# = n.statistic# group by s.sid ), ( select value from v$parameter where name = 'open_cursors' ) /
select to_char(FIRST_TIME, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24'), count(*) from v$log_history group by to_char(FIRST_TIME, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') order by 1;
set lines 200 pages 800 select to_char(first_time, 'DD/MM/YYYY') day, to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '00', 1, 0)), '999') "00", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '01', 1, 0)), '999') "01", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '02', 1, 0)), '999') "02", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '03', 1, 0)), '999') "03", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '04', 1, 0)), '999') "04", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '05', 1, 0)), '999') "05", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '06', 1, 0)), '999') "06", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '07', 1, 0)), '999') "07", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '08', 1, 0)), '999') "08", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '09', 1, 0)), '999') "09", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '10', 1, 0)), '999') "10", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '11', 1, 0)), '999') "11", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '12', 1, 0)), '999') "12", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '13', 1, 0)), '999') "13", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '14', 1, 0)), '999') "14", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '15', 1, 0)), '999') "15", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '16', 1, 0)), '999') "16", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '17', 1, 0)), '999') "17", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '18', 1, 0)), '999') "18", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '19', 1, 0)), '999') "19", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '20', 1, 0)), '999') "20", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '21', 1, 0)), '999') "21", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '22', 1, 0)), '999') "22", to_char(sum(decode(substr(to_char(first_time, 'HH24'), 1, 2), '23', 1, 0)), '999') "23", sum(1) "TOTAL_IN_DAY" from v$log_history where first_time > trunc(sysdate - to_number(to_char(last_day(sysdate),'DD'))) group by to_char(first_time, 'DD/MM/YYYY') order by to_date(day,'DD/MM/YYYY') asc;
col table_name for a40 select owner, index_name, table_owner, table_name, status from dba_indexes where status <> 'VALID' order by 1, 2, 3, 4;
select table_name, index_name, column_name from dba_ind_columns where index_name = 'INDEX_NAME' order by index_name, column_position;
set lines 190 col sid for 9999 col "serial#" for 99999 col message for a80 comp sum of "% COMPLETE" on report break on report SELECT SID, SERIAL#, MESSAGE, ROUND(SOFAR / TOTALWORK * 100, 2 / count(*)) "% COMPLETE" FROM V$SESSION_LONGOPS WHERE OPNAME NOT LIKE '%aggregate%' AND TOTALWORK != 0 AND SOFAR <> TOTALWORK GROUP BY SID, SERIAL#, ROUND, ROUND(SOFAR / TOTALWORK * 100, 2) /
set lines 190 select substr(o.object_name, 1, 25) objeto, l.session_id session_id, l.oracle_username ora_user, l.os_user_name os_user from dba_objects o, v$locked_object l where l.object_id = o.object_id and o.object_name = 'OBJECT_NAME' order by 1, 3, 4
exec DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO; select to_char(TIMESTAMP,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi') HORARIO, INSERTS, UPDATES, DELETES from dba_tab_modifications where TABLE_OWNER='TESTE' and TABLE_NAME='TESTE'; --obs: a sumarização é zerada a cada coleta de estatística
set lines 200 column c0 heading "Owner" format a12 column c1 heading "Object|Name" format a30 column c2 heading "Object|Type" format a8 column c3 heading "Number of|Blocks in|Buffer|Cache" format 99,999,999 column c4 heading "Percentage|of object|blocks in|Buffer" format 999 column c5 heading "Buffer|Pool" format a7 column c6 heading "Block|Size" format 99,999 select a.owner c0, a.object_name c1, a.object_type c2, sum(num_blocks) c3, (sum(a.num_blocks) / greatest(sum(s.blocks), .001)) * 100 c4, s.buffer_pool c5, sum(bytes)/sum(blocks) c6 from (select o.owner, o.object_name, o.subobject_name, o.object_type, count(distinct file# || block#) num_blocks from dba_objects o, v$bh bh where o.data_object_id = bh.objd and o.owner not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM') and bh.status != 'free' group by o.owner, o.object_name, o.subobject_name, o.object_type order by count(distinct file# || block#) desc) a, dba_segments s where s.segment_name = a.object_name and s.owner = a.owner and s.segment_type = a.object_type and nvl(s.partition_name, '-') = nvl(a.subobject_name, '-') and s.segment_name = 'SEGMENT_NAME' group by a.owner, object_name, object_type, buffer_pool having sum(a.num_blocks) > 10 order by sum(a.num_blocks) desc;
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